Together we will create a community in which all learners succeed and flourish.
Mā te pā harekeke te rito ka tipu - Everyone nurtures the growth of a child
Learner Agency
Our goal is to lift student success by enhancing learner agency for all schools in our Kāhui Ako.
The concept of student agency is rooted in the principle that students have the ability and the will to positively influence their own lives and the world around them. The concept of co-agency recognises that students, teachers, parents and communities work together to help students progress towards their shared goals (OECD, 2019).
Purpose: To provide a framework for all school leaders and teachers/kaiako to evaluate, gather evidence and track their progress towards Learner Agency. This document should be adapted to individual school environments and needs and does not provide a checklist but a framework from which to facilitate discussion.
Effective use: For schools and the Kāhui Ako to gain the most out of this tool we encourage and suggest that:
Schools engage with middle leaders and teachers/kaiako in gathering voice around what this looks like, sounds like, and feels like, in their context. Schools gather different data to evidence their judgements around the rubric and progressions. This should include both qualitative and quantitative data with learner/ākonga, community and teacher/kaiako voice at the centre. Schools critically engage with this data to reflect on current practice. Schools use this opportunity as a measurement for progression and growth and to identify potential areas for support and for celebration. Schools adopt a “best fit” approach to using the framework as an evaluation tool.
Research Base: This progression has been constructed with reference to international and local research. This document was also produced in consultation with the leadership of Whiria Te Tangata Kāhui Ako. There will be resources as well as the referenced research articles provided for your support.